After moving Lync Server 2010 backend databases to a different location on your SQL servers drives you may encounter an error where the Lync client shows an error “Limited functionality is available due to outage”.
This occurs because after dettaching and attaching the databases in a new location you need to enable cross database chainging on the RTC and RTCDYN databases.
sp_dboption '<dbname>', 'db chaining', TRUE
If you check the event logs on your Lync Front End servers you will notice the following errors and warnings:
Event ID: 32134 Failed to connect to back-end database. Lync Server will continuously attempt to reconnect to the back-end. While this condition persists, incoming messages will receive error responses. Back-end Server: SQLSERVERINSTANCE Database: rtc Connection string of: driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Trusted_Connection=yes;AutoTranslate=no;server=SQLSERVERINSTANCE;database=rtc; Cause: Possible issues with back-end database. Resolution: Ensure the back-end is functioning correctly.
Event ID: 32118 SQL server cross database chaining option is disabled for either rtc or rtcdyn database. This may be caused by attaching or restoring an existing database. Since this condition causes performance issues, database will not be acquired until the issue is resolve Back-end Server: SQLSERVERINSTANCE Database: rtc Connection string of:driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Trusted_Connection=yes;AutoTranslate=no;server=SQLSERVERINSTANCE;database=rtc;Cause: Check the eventlog description. Resolution: Please enable cross database chaining option (using "sp_dboption '<dbname>', 'db chaining', TRUE") for both rtc and rtcdyn databases. Once this is done, Service will automatically reconnect to the backend.
Technical Architect at Symity
Thank you. This fixed my issue.