Lync 2013 introduced a new feature called Pool Pairing. Given the scenario below with 2 sites using Lync Standard Edition with paired pools, in the event that Front End 01 was to fail, or Site 1 failed completely all users will automatically register to Front End 02. However they will receive an error in their Lync client “Limited Functionality due to Outage”, lose their buddy lists, presence information, conferencing features and any Response Groups that were homed on FE01. They will still be able to make inbound and outbound PSTN calls (assuming you have resilient Voice Routing) and they will still be able to search contacts to make P2P audio and video calls. To restore full functionality you need to manually failover the pool following the procedure here:
Remembering or finding the various commands to run in a disaster scenario wastes valuable restore time so I have created a script to do all the hard work for you. The script can also fail back a pool once it is back in service. This script relies on my Lync Backup script to restore Response Groups here (I save these on the standby server if Active/Passive):
Simple Lync Standard Edition Pool Pair topology:
Limited functionality error in Lync 2013 client:
The script is menu driven, the splash screen will show the script configuration, it is important to review all of this information before running:
From the main menu you have various options.
- a – failover pool01 to pool02
- b – failover pool01’s response groups to pool02
- c – fail back pool01’s users to pool01
- d – fail back pool01’s response groups to pool01
- i – view manual DNS changes required during failover
- j – shows pool state – Use to check if a pool is currently in a failover state
- k – shows CMS status – Check replication is working and which server is master
- l – view failed over response group status for both pools – Use to check if any Response Groups have been failed over
- m – view backup service status for both pools – Use to check that the backup service is working OK
- z – enable advanced mode (show failover options for both pools and CMS) – Use if you want to failover Pool02 to Pool01 or manually move CMS
Option z:
Here is the script, you need to modify the Script Configuration at the top to reflect your environment.:
Use this script at your own risk. I have not programmed Lync Enterprise Edition but it could easily be modified to failover an Enterprise Pool.
# Author: Created by Weakest Lync, # Purpose: Script to failover Lync 2013 Standard Edition Pool Pair and Response Groups in a DR scenario # Version: 1.0 # Changes: DATE - Change # 22/01/2014 - Release 1.0 # Script Configuration $CustomerName = "Weakest Lync" # Customer Name $PrimaryFE = "" # Primary Lync Front End Pool $PrimaryEd = "" # Primary Lync Edge Pool $SecondaryFE = "" # Secondary Lync Front End Pool $SecondaryEd = "" # Secondary Lync Edge Pool $BackupPath = "C:LyncBackupsBackups" # Backup Path - Uses Lync Automated Backup script to restore Response Groups: $ActivePassive = "Yes" # yes/no. Is the Secondary Pool used for failover only? This will hide menu options to failover the Secondary Pool. $RGSRestorePath = "c:Temp" # Temp folder Function WindowColour { $a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI $a.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue" } Function FailoverDR ($Pool, $BackupPool, $Edge){ cls MainHeader # Prompt user to confirm Write-Host "You are about to initiate a pool failover from " -NoNewline Write-Host $Pool -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " to " -NoNewline Write-Host $BackupPool -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $confirm = Read-Host "Please type YES to confirm" If ($confirm -ne "YES"){ MainMenu } # Check that CMS is on Secondary server $LyncCMS = Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus If ($LyncCMS.ActiveMasterFqdn -ne $BackupPool){ Write-Warning "CMS is not on Secondary server, running CMS failover command" Invoke-CsManagementServerFailover -BackupSqlServerFqdn $BackupPool -BackupSqlInstanceName RTC -Force } # Change Primary Edge next hop to Secondary Front End Set-CsEdgeServer -Identity $Edge -Registrar Registrar:$BackupPool # Failover pool Invoke-CsPoolFailOver -PoolFqdn $Pool -DisasterMode -Confirm:$false ReturnToMenu } Function FailbackDR ($Pool, $BackupPool, $Edge){ cls MainHeader # Prompt user to confirm Write-Host "You are about to initiate a pool failback from " -NoNewline Write-Host $BackupPool -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " to " -NoNewline Write-Host $Pool -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $confirm = Read-Host "Please type YES to confirm" If ($confirm -ne "YES"){ MainMenu } # Start CMS Replication Invoke-CsManagementStoreReplication -ReplicaFqdn $Pool # Change Primary Edge next hop to Primary Front End Set-CsEdgeServer -Identity $Edge -Registrar Registrar:$Pool # Failback pool Invoke-CsPoolFailBack –PoolFqdn $Pool -Confirm:$false ReturnToMenu } Function FailoverRGS ($Pool, $BackupPool){ cls MainHeader # Prompt user to confirm Write-Host "You are about to initiate a Response Group failover from " -NoNewline Write-Host $Pool -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " to " -NoNewline Write-Host $BackupPool -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $confirm = Read-Host "Please type YES to confirm" If ($confirm -ne "YES"){ MainMenu } # Get the latest RGS Backup file $LatestBackup = Get-ChildItem -Directory $BackupPath | Sort CreationTime -Descending | select -First 1 $RGSBackupPath = $LatestBackup.FullName + "Lync-RGS-Config_$" # Test RGS Backup file exists If(!(Test-Path $RGSBackupPath)){ Write-Warning "No RGS Backup File" Write-Warning "Ensure that an RGS backup is located in the following location $RGSBackupPath" ReturnToMenu } # Import Response Group config to secondary pool Import-CsRgsConfiguration -Destination "service:ApplicationServer:$BackupPool" -FileName $RGSBackupPath -ReplaceExistingRgsSettings -Force ReturnToMenu } Function FailbackRGS ($Pool, $BackupPool){ cls MainHeader # Prompt user to confirm Write-Host "You are about to initiate a Response Group failback from " -NoNewline Write-Host $BackupPool -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline Write-Host " to " -NoNewline Write-Host $Pool -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $confirm = Read-Host "Please type YES to confirm" If ($confirm -ne "YES"){ MainMenu } # Check temp path exists If(!(Test-Path $RGSRestorePath)){ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $RGSRestorePath } # Temp export file name $RGSRestoreFile = $RGSRestorePath + "" # If we already have a temp export file, delete it. If(Test-Path $RGSRestoreFile){ Remove-Item $RGSRestoreFile } # Export Response Groups from Secondary pool that are owned by the Primary, then remove them. Export-CsRgsConfiguration –Source "service:ApplicationServer:$BackupPool" –Owner "service:ApplicationServer:$Pool" –Filename $RGSRestoreFile -RemoveExportedConfiguration -Force # Import Response Groups owned by the Primary pool back in to the Primary. Import-CsRgsConfiguration –Destination "service:ApplicationServer:$Pool" –OverwriteOwner –Filename $RGSRestoreFile -Force ReturnToMenu } Function MoveCMS($BackupPool){ cls MainHeader # Prompt user to confirm Write-Host "You are about to move the Active CMS to " -NoNewline Write-Host $BackupPool -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" $confirm = Read-Host "Please type YES to confirm" If ($confirm -ne "YES"){ MainMenu } $LyncCMS = Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus If ($LyncCMS.ActiveMasterFqdn -ne $BackupPool){ Write-Warning "Server is not CMS Active Master, running CMS failover command" Invoke-CsManagementServerFailover -BackupSqlServerFqdn $BackupPool -BackupSqlInstanceName RTC -Force Write-Host "CMS Active Master moved to $BackupPool" } Else{ Write-Host "CMS Active Master is already on $BackupPool" } ReturnToMenu } Function ManualChanges { cls MainHeader Write-Host "DNS Changes during Failover:" Write-Host "* Point lyncdiscover.sipdomain DNS record to Secondary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "* Point dialin.sipdomain DNS record to point to Secondary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "* Point meet.sipdomain DNS record to point to Secondary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "" Write-Host "DNS Changes during Failback:" Write-Host "* Point lyncdiscover.sipdomain DNS record to Primary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "* Point dialin.sipdomain DNS record to point to Primary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "* Point meet.sipdomain DNS record to point to Primary Pool Web Services" Write-Host "" ReturnToMenu } Function FailoverStatus{ cls MainHeader Get-CsRegistrarConfiguration | Select-Object Identity, PoolState | Format-Table ReturnToMenu } Function CMSStatus{ cls MainHeader Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus Read-Host "Press any key to view more details" Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus ReturnToMenu } Function RGSStatus{ cls MainHeader Read-Host "Press any key to view RGS Workflows in $SecondaryFE owned by $PrimaryFE" Get-CsRgsWorkflow -Identity "service:ApplicationServer:$SecondaryFE" -Owner "service:ApplicationServer:$PrimaryFE" | Select-Object OwnerPool, Name, LineUri | Format-Table Read-Host "Press any key to view RGS Workflows in $PrimaryFE owned by $SecondaryFE" Get-CsRgsWorkflow -Identity "service:ApplicationServer:$PrimaryFE" -Owner "service:ApplicationServer:$SecondaryFE" | Select-Object OwnerPool, Name, LineUri | Format-Table ReturnToMenu } Function BackupServiceStatus{ cls MainHeader Read-Host "Press any key to view the Backup Service status for $PrimaryFE" Get-CsBackupServiceStatus -PoolFqdn $PrimaryFE | Format-List Read-Host "Press any key to view the Backup Service status for $SecondaryFE" Get-CsBackupServiceStatus -PoolFqdn $SecondaryFE | Format-List ReturnToMenu } Function AdvancedMode{ # Forces script to show failover options for both pools $ActivePassive = "no" # Show advanced options on the menu $AdvancedMode = "Yes" MainMenu } Function ReturnToMenu{ Read-Host "Press any key to return to main menu" MainMenu } Function MainHeader{ cls Write-Host " *** Lync 2013 Standard Edition Failover Script ***" -Foregroundcolor Magenta Write-Host "" } Function JustExit{ cls exit } Function MainMenu ($blank){ Get-Variable true | Out-Default; Clear-Host; # Required due to PowerShell cls bug not clearing display MainHeader # Menu Write-Host "Primary Pool Disaster Recovery: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yello Write-Host $PrimaryFE -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "a. Disaster - Failover Pool + CMS" Write-Host "b. Disaster - Failover Response Groups" Write-Host "c. Recovery - Failback Pool" Write-Host "d. Recovery - Failback Response Groups" If ($ActivePassive -eq "no"){ Write-Host "Secondary Pool Disaster Recovery: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host $SecondaryFE -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "e. Disaster - Failover Pool + CMS" Write-Host "f. Disaster - Failover Response Groups" Write-Host "g. Recovery - Failback Pool" Write-Host "h. Recovery - Failback Response Groups" } Write-Host "Administration: "-ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "i. View manual changes required during failover/failback" Write-Host "j. View Registrar failover status" Write-Host "k. View Central Management Store status" Write-Host "l. View failed over Response Group status" Write-Host "m. View Backup Service status" If ($AdvancedMode -eq "Yes"){ Write-Host "CMS Management: "-ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host "n. Move CMS to Primary Pool" Write-Host "o. Move CMS to Secondary Pool" } else{ Write-Host "z. Advanced Mode" } Write-Host "q. Exit Script (q, exit, quit)" Write-Host "" If ($blank -eq "1"){ Write-Warning "Invalid selection" } $a = Read-Host "Select an option (e.g. q)" switch ($a){ a {FailoverDR -Pool $PrimaryFE -BackupPool $SecondaryFE -Edge $PrimaryEd} b {FailoverRGS -Pool $PrimaryFE -BackupPool $SecondaryFE} c {FailbackDR -Pool $PrimaryFE -BackupPool $SecondaryFE -Edge $PrimaryEd} d {FailbackRGS -Pool $PrimaryFE -BackupPool $SecondaryFE} e {FailoverDR -Pool $SecondaryFE -BackupPool $PrimaryFE -Edge $SecondaryEd} f {FailoverRGS -Pool $SecondaryFE -BackupPool $PrimaryFE} g {FailbackDR -Pool $SecondaryFE -BackupPool $PrimaryFE -Edge $SecondaryEd} h {FailbackRGS -Pool $SecondaryFE -BackupPool $PrimaryFE} i {ManualChanges} J {FailoverStatus} k {CMSStatus} l {RGSStatus} m {BackupServiceStatus} n {MoveCMS -BackupPool $PrimaryFE} o {MoveCMS -BackupPool $SecondaryFE} q {JustExit} z {AdvancedMode} exit {JustExit} quit {JustExit} default {MainMenu -blank "1"} } } Function SplashScreen{ MainHeader Write-Host "* This script can be used to failover a Lync Standard Edition Pool Pair." Write-Host "* Make sure you are running this script as Administrator (Lync Management Shell > Run As Administrator)." Write-Host "* Your account must be a member of the RTCUniversalServerAdmins and CsAdministrator groups." Write-Host "" Write-Host "* Customer Platform is " -NoNewline Write-Host $CustomerName -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Primary Front End is " -NoNewline Write-Host $PrimaryFE -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Primary Edge is " -NoNewline Write-Host $PrimaryEd -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Secondary Front End is " -NoNewline Write-Host $SecondaryFE -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Secondary Edge is " -NoNewLine Write-Host $SecondaryEd -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Backup path (For RGS failover) is " -NoNewLine Write-Host $BackupPath -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "* Is Pool Pair Active/Passive? (Secondary Pool is standby only) " -NoNewLine Write-Host $ActivePassive -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "" Write-Host "Please review the details above, amend the script config if required." Write-Host "" Read-Host "Press any key to load menu" MainMenu } WindowColour SplashScreen

Technical Architect at Symity
Thanks for the great post, is there an opportunity to provide the script as a download link?
Txt file, rename to .ps1
Great script!
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Hi there,
your script gives me some errors:
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:277 char:34
+ Write-Host “q. Exit Script (q, exit, quit)”
+ ~
Missing argument in parameter list.
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:332 char:42
+ Read-Host “Press any key to load menu”
+ ~
The string is missing the terminator: “.
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:52 char:48
+ Function FailbackDR ($Pool, $BackupPool, $Edge){
+ ~
Missing closing ‘}’ in statement block.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument
Did you copy and paste the script?
Line 277 should be: Write-Host “”
Line 332 should be: MainMenu
Line 53 should be: cls
Try downloading it from here:
Rename to .ps1
Hi there. If I download from the link you have provided ( I recieve an error:
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:276 char:34
+ Write-Host “q. Exit Script (q, exit, quit)”
+ ~
Missing argument in parameter list.
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:331 char:42
+ Read-Host “Press any key to load menu”
+ ~
The string is missing the terminator: “.
At C:tempLync-Failover.ps1:51 char:48
+ Function FailbackDR ($Pool, $BackupPool, $Edge){
+ ~
Missing closing ‘}’ in statement block.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument
Is there a particular part of the script doesn’t work? I have copied it, saved as .ps1 and ran it ok. What OS are you running? I have Windows Server 2012.
Windows 2012 STD here. I would expect a MENU should appear when you run the script, but like I said it gives me those errors. Very strange.
This is the error message when I run it:
Ok I have founded the solution (which was bizzare for me, because of a lack of encoding understanding). I have edited script in Notepad++ where Encoding was set to Encode in UTF-8 without BOM. After I have changed Encoding to UTF-8 (see the Picture bellow: then script is runnable. Strange sh*** 🙂 Anyway, thank you for your replies. With best regards,
Excellent, thanks for sharing the fix. I always use PowerShell ISE to edit PowerShell scripts so probably why I haven’t come across that error.
I have an enterprise Lab, can I use this
This works with Enterprise Edition but you need to modify the code that moves the CMS as on Enterprise it is hosted on backend SQL. There are steps required to check which node is active in a mirror.