The scenario is you have created a Response Group (IVR) with an option to call an Out Of Hours engineer. You configure a queue overflow to forward straight to a mobile telephone number outside of your organisation as follows:
The out of hours engineer changes on a rota and you want staff to be able to change the queue overflow number without giving them having to access the Lync Control Panel. I have created a PowerShell script that allows users to accomplish this. They can select from a list of names in the menu or manually type a number. Any changes are logged to a text file.
Here is the script:
# Author: Created by Weakest Lync, # Purpose: Script to Change Queue Overflow Number # Version: 1.0 # Changes: DATE - Change # 12/07/2013 - Release 1.0 # Script Config Import-Module Lync $team = "ICT Service Desk" #Team script is used for $queue = "ICT Service Desk" #Lync Queue Name $sipdomain = "" #Lync Sip Domain $lyncpool = "Service:ApplicationServer:LyncFE01.domain.local" #Lync front end pool identity $logfile = "\fileservershareLynclog.txt" # Menu cls Write-Host "* Change" $team "On Call Number *" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host " " Write-Host "Change the" $team "On Call number to:" Write-Host " " Write-Host "1. User1" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host "2. User2" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host "3. User3" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host "4. User4" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host "5. User5" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host "6. Other" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-Host " " $a = Read-Host "Select 1-6: " Write-Host " " # Logic to set sip URI based on menu selection switch ($a) { 1 { $forwardname = "User1" $forwardto = "+447123456781" } 2 { $forwardname = "User2" $forwardto = "+447123456782" } 3 { $forwardname = "User3" $forwardto = "+447123456783" } 4 { $forwardname = "User4" $forwardto = "+447123456784" } 5 { $forwardname = "User5" $forwardto = "+447123456785" } 6 { # Other Write-Host "Enter phone number in E.164 format e.g.: " -NoNewLine Write-Host "+44123456789" -ForegroundColor Magenta $forwardto = Read-Host "Phone Number" } } # Code to put E.164 phone numbers into sip format $forwardto = "sip:" + $forwardto $forwardto = $forwardto + $sipdomain # Code to change on call number in Lync $x = Get-CsRgsQueue -Identity $lyncpool -Name $queue $x.OverflowAction = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToPstn -Uri $forwardto Set-CsRgsQueue -Instance $x # Write to log file $date = Get-Date Write-output "$date, $team, $forwardname, $forwardto" | Out-File -append $logfile Write-Host "On call number changed to: " -NoNewline Write-Host $forwardname "-" $forwardto -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " "
Users need to be a member of CSResponseGroupAdministrator and have the Lync Admin Tools installed. However, in my environment I have created a service account and used psexec to publish the script via Citrix (The Citrix server has the Lync Admin Tools installed).
c:\scripts\psexec.exe -e -u domain\RGSSVCAccount -p password C:\Windows\System32\Windows\PowerShellv1.0\powershell.exe -noexit “C:\Scripts\LyncScripts\Lync_QueueOverflow.ps1”
Technical Architect at Symity
Tank you!
Thank you for the script! I changed line 63 as we use a timeout instead of overflows
$x.TimeoutAction = New-CsRgsCallAction -Action TransferToUri -Uri $forwardto
I added the admin user accounts to CSResponseGroupAdministrator but am getting the following error when running remotely (it works fine directly on the pool server):
Get-CsRgsQueue : Cannot open database “rgsconfig” requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\user.
Do you have any suggestions?
Hello Daniel, try adding the user account to RTCUniversalReadOnlyAdmins.