Skype for Business – Central Management Backup Module Failed

I recently deployed Skype for Business 2015 standard edition pool pairing.  The CMS was originally on a Lync 2010 Standard edition server and was moved over to a Skype4B Pool1 when Lync was decommissioned. Skype4B Pool2 (FE2) was logging the following event IDs every few Continue reading Skype for Business – Central Management Backup Module Failed

Skype for Business (Lync) – Easiest way to add trusted root certificate authorities to Edge

Ok here is a little tip when trying to add trusted root certificate authorities to Skype for Business 2015 and Lync 2010/2013 Edge servers. Microsoft have a list of Unified Communications Certificate Providers detailed here: Windows now automatically downloads Trusted Root certificates Continue reading Skype for Business (Lync) – Easiest way to add trusted root certificate authorities to Edge

Lync – Move On Prem users to Lync Online from CSV

Microsoft detail how to move users from Lync On-Prem to Lync Online and how to bulk move users in an OU or with a particular AD attribute: If you want to bulk move users to Lync Online from a CSV Continue reading Lync – Move On Prem users to Lync Online from CSV

Lync – Increase Internal Certificate Validity Period

When you deploy Lync and assign internal certificates to your Lync servers (E.g. Front End, Internal Edge, SBA and Gateways) by default you will only have a 2 year certificate from the “Web Server” template. I like to create a Continue reading Lync – Increase Internal Certificate Validity Period