Can you schedule a Skype for Business meeting if you’re in Teams Only mode?
When a user moves to Teams Only, the “New Skype Meeting” button is removed from the Outlook Ribbon. Therefore the user can no longer schedule Skype for Business Meetings.

I’ve been testing Teams Only for the past couple of months and out of interest I wondered whether I could still schedule a Skype for Business Meeting. Note, I can’t find any official guidance from Microsoft, so although this works today, I would imagine Microsoft could disable this at any point. When you’re in Teams Only mode, your meetings should be scheduled in Teams.
This is possible via the Skype for Business Web Scheduler at:
You should login using your O365 credentials if required. After that, it’s pretty straight forward. Complete the New Meeting request:

Once the meeting has been generated, the Meeting Join Info can be copied and sent to participants:

It’s then possible to join the SfB Meeting. Note if you have SfB installed, it will use your Skype Desktop client, otherwise you will use the SfB Web App. External Participants can also join:

That’s all there is to it. All users in the O365 Tenant I used to test this are Teams Only so it should work for anyone. I did this more out of interest and I’m sure it’s a rare use case, but it’s interesting to know it works (for now).

Technical Architect at Symity
Why would you want to schedule a Skype meeting when you’re in Teams and Teams Meeting are way better? That’s like buying a BMW 5 series and then driving to work in a Dacia… Lol
Tweet me if you can figure out who this is…
Scheduling a meeting with a customer that has on-prem SfB, no Teams client & very restrictive internet so Teams Web App won’t work 😉
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Would love to know how this stands from an MS support perspective. Ideally we want all user to be Teams only, and only creating Teams meetings. That said we’ve got meeting rooms which currently only support Skype so I still need users able to create SfB meetings.