Skype for Business – Central Management Backup Module Failed

I recently deployed Skype for Business 2015 standard edition pool pairing.  The CMS was originally on a Lync 2010 Standard edition server and was moved over to a Skype4B Pool1 when Lync was decommissioned. Skype4B Pool2 (FE2) was logging the following event IDs every few Continue reading Skype for Business – Central Management Backup Module Failed

Skype for Business (Lync) – Easiest way to add trusted root certificate authorities to Edge

Ok here is a little tip when trying to add trusted root certificate authorities to Skype for Business 2015 and Lync 2010/2013 Edge servers. Microsoft have a list of Unified Communications Certificate Providers detailed here: Windows now automatically downloads Trusted Root certificates Continue reading Skype for Business (Lync) – Easiest way to add trusted root certificate authorities to Edge

Windows Server 2012 R2 – Add cluster node / Cluster Service “Keyset does not exist”

I recently came across an error where the Cluster Service stopped on a Windows Server 2012 R2 failover cluster and would not start.  Event Logs generated were: Event ID: 7024 The Cluster Service service terminated with the following service-specific error: Continue reading Windows Server 2012 R2 – Add cluster node / Cluster Service “Keyset does not exist”

Lync – Page file causes Front End to run out of disk space (sqlservr.exe and pagefile)

I have recently encountered a strange issue where all 3 Front End servers in the same pool ran out of disk space at the same time.  When investigating both sqlservr.exe processes (RTCLOCAL and LYNCLOCAL) were consuming the whole page file (or Continue reading Lync – Page file causes Front End to run out of disk space (sqlservr.exe and pagefile)

Lync – Move On Prem users to Lync Online from CSV

Microsoft detail how to move users from Lync On-Prem to Lync Online and how to bulk move users in an OU or with a particular AD attribute: If you want to bulk move users to Lync Online from a CSV Continue reading Lync – Move On Prem users to Lync Online from CSV

Lync – Office 365 Federation Presence Unknown

A customer was having problems with their Lync 2010 deployment federating with Office 365.  When searching for a Lync Online user they would see “Presence Unknown” and be unable to send Instant Messages.  They could Federate with other On-Prem Lync Continue reading Lync – Office 365 Federation Presence Unknown

Lync – Unable to sign in via Edge (Checkpoint Firewalls)

I recently ran into a problem with Checkpoint Firewalls on a Lync 2010 deployment.  The customer already had a single 2010 Front End and wished to enable external sign in over the internet as it did not work over their Continue reading Lync – Unable to sign in via Edge (Checkpoint Firewalls)

Lync – UK +44 (0) Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt

A common problem in the UK is that companies Active Directory telephone numbers will be populated in the format: +44 (0) 123 456 7891 or +44(0)1234567891 If you were to dial these numbers in the UK you would omit the +44 and Continue reading Lync – UK +44 (0) Company_Phone_Number_Normalization_Rules.txt

Lync 2013 – Script Policy Summary – LyncPolicySummary.ps1

This simple script will summarise how many users are assigned each policy in Lync as well as how many users are against each registrar pool.   # Author: Created by Weakest Lync, # Purpose: Script to show the number Continue reading Lync 2013 – Script Policy Summary – LyncPolicySummary.ps1